Listops                  package:base                  R Documentation

Arithmetic and Mathematical Operations on Lists


     Describes how arithmetic operators and some mathematical functions
     can be applied to lists (or lists of lists, etc.), with the
     operation or function being done recursively on list elements.


     In pqR, all arithmetic operators and some numerical functions of
     one or two arguments can be applied to lists, rather than just to
     numeric vectors, with the result being a list of the results of
     applying the operator or function to elements of the list or
     lists.  (Here, "list" does not include pairlists or expression

     List operations are currently supported for the following
     operators and functions:
       + (may be unary), - (may be unary), *, /, ^, %%, %/% 
       abs, sqrt, exp, expm1, log1p, log2, log10, log (1 or 2 arguments),
       cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan, atan2,
       cosh, sinh, tanh, acosh, asinh, atanh,
       gamma, lgamma, digamma, trigamma, factorial, lfactorial, sign,
       floor, ceiling, round (1 or 2 arguments), signif (1 or 2 arguments)

     For unary operators and functions of one argument, the operation
     is applied to each element of the list, with the result being a
     list of the same length, containing the results of these
     operations. The names and other attributes of the result are the
     same as those of the operand. If some list elements are themselves
     lists, the operation is applied recursively to these elements,
     producing a list of lists as the result.

     For binary operators and functions of two arguments, one or both
     arguments may be lists.  If one operand (or argument) is a list
     and the other is numeric, the numeric operand must be scalar
     (i.e., of length one).  The operation is performed recursively in
     the same way as for unary operations, with the scalar operand
     applied to each element of the list (recursively, for lists of
     lists).  The attributes of the resulting list will be the same as
     the attributes of the list operand.  (Attributes of the scalar may
     affect the attributes of the elements of the result.)

     If both operands (or arguments) are lists, the lists must be the
     same length and have identical names (if either has any names).
     The operation is applied to corresponding elements of the two
     lists, with the result being a list of these results.  The
     attributes of the result are those of the first operand (or
     argument), plus those attributes of the second operand that do not
     conflict with attributes of the first.  When corresponding
     elements are themselves lists, the operation is applied
     recursively.  If one of the corresponding elements is a list and
     the other is numeric, the operation is also applied recursively,
     as described above (in particular, note that the numeric element
     must be scalar in this case).

     List operations are particularly useful when automatic
     differentiation is done with respect to a list, so the resulting
     gradient is also a list. See the example below.

See Also:

     'relist' in the 'utils' package for an alternative (older)

     'Gradient' for information on automatic differentiation.


     list(a=10,b=1:10) * list(a=2,b=10:1)# Corresponding elements are multiplied
     list(a=10,b=1:10) * 2               # Scalar 2 multiplies each list element
     list(a=10,b=1:10) * list(a=3,b=4)   # 4 is recycled for 1:10, in usual way
     list(a=10,b=list(p=20,q=30)) * 2    # Scalar 2 multiplies element a of list
                                         #   and elements of element b of list
     sqrt (list (2:4, 10:12))            # Takes square root of all numbers in
                                         #   this list of vectors
     abs (list (x=list(a=-1,b=2), y=-3)) # Value is a list with same structure
                                         #   as argument, with absolute values
     round(list(list(3.12,X=4.66),8.82), # Rounds elements of list, recursively,
           list(1,0))                    #   to number of digits given by list;
                                         #   1 applies to all of the first list
     with gradient (x=7)                 # Gradients are correctly handled (for
         list(x,x^2) * list(x,x)         #   operations that can compute them)
     # Gradient descent training of a simple neural network, using automatic
     # differentiation and arithmetic on lists of parameter vectors/matrices.
     net <- function (params, X)   # Compute the outputs of a network with 
         params$bias_out +         #   parameters 'params' on the rows of 'X'
           params$hid_out %*% 
             tanh (params$bias_hid + params$in_hid %*% t(X))
     train <- function (params, X, y, r, n)  # Train for n iterations with
     {                                       #   learning rate r on data X, y
         for (i in 1..n) {
             sq_err <- with gradient (params) sum ((y - net(params,X))^2)
             if (i%%1000==0) cat("Iteration",i,": squared error",sq_err,"\n")
             params <- 
               params - r * attr(sq_err,"gradient")  # DOES ARITHMETIC ON LISTS
     y <- log (iris[,"Petal.Length"])       # Try to predict log petal length 
     X <- log (as.matrix(iris[,c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width")]))
                                            # ...from log sepal length and width
     N_hid <- 3                             # ...using a net with 3 hidden units
     initial_params <-                # Set initial parameter values randomly
       list (in_hid = matrix (rnorm (2*N_hid, 0, 0.01), N_hid, 2),
             bias_hid = rnorm (N_hid, 0, 0.01),
             hid_out = rnorm (N_hid, 0, 0.01),
             bias_out = mean(y))      # ... except initial output bias is mean y
     (trained_params <- train (initial_params, X, y, 0.001, 20000))
     ## Not run:
     g1 <- seq(1.4,2.1,length=100); g2 <- seq(0.6,1.5,length=100)
     G <- cbind (rep(g1,times=100), rep(g2,each=100))
     P <- matrix (net(trained_params,G), 100, 100)
     contour (g1, g2, P)
     ## End(Not run)