Gradient                 package:base                  R Documentation

Gradient Computation


     These are the facilities for computing gradients via run-time
     automatic differentiation.  For symbolic differentiation
     facilities, see 'deriv'.  For numerical differentiation, see

     The present implementation of these facilities is preliminary.
     Gradient computation for some operations is planned but not yet
     implemented, and for some operations that are supported, gradient
     computations are much less efficient than is planned for a
     full-fledged version.

     At present, there is no support for higher-order derivatives, or
     for differentiation of complex values.


     with gradient (var=v.expr) expr
     with gradient (var) expr
     with gradient (var1=v1.expr,var2=v2.expr) expr
     with gradient (var1,var2) expr
     track gradient (var=v.expr) expr
     track gradient (var) expr
     track gradient (var1=v1.expr,var2=v2.expr) expr
     track gradient (var1,var2) expr
     back gradient (var=v.expr) expr
     back gradient (var) expr
     back gradient (var1=v1.expr,var2=v2.expr) expr
     back gradient (var1,var2) expr
     compute gradient (var1=v1.expr, var2=v2.expr) expr as g1.expr, g2.expr
     compute gradient (var1, var2) expr as g1.expr, g2.expr
     gradient_of (e)
     no_gradient (e)

var, var1, var2: (And so forth for var3, etc.) Names (not strings) of
          variables with respect to which gradients will be tracked or

    expr: An expression, often a compound expression, of a form such as
          '{expr1;expr2}', which is evaluated in a new environment
          containing the new variable or variables listed.

g1.expr, g2.expr: (and so forth for g3.expr, etc.) Expressions giving
          the gradients of the specified 'expr' with respect to 'var1',
          'var2', etc.

       e: An expression whose gradient is computed (if possible), or is
          not computed.


     The 'with gradient', 'track gradient', and 'back gradient'
     constructs all ask that gradients of an expression with respect to
     certain variables be computed, with differences between them as
     described below.  The 'gradient_of' and 'no_gradient' functions
     may be used within these constructs.  The 'compute gradient'
     construct specifies how gradients are computed; it is not needed
     for the many functions for which gradient computations are built

     Gradients can be computed for expressions that are not
     differentiable at some points, with the gradient returned at such
     points being arbitrary.

     Asking for gradient information:

     The 'with gradient' construct evaluates 'expr' in a new
     environment (with the current environment as its parent)
     containing the variable 'var' (or variables 'var1', 'var2', etc),
     with initial value 'v.expr' (or initial values 'v1.expr',
     'v2.expr', etc.).  The value of 'expr' is returned as that of
     'with gradient', with a '"gradient"' attribute attached containing
     the derivative of the value of 'expr' with respect to 'var', or
     the derivatives with respect to 'var1', 'var2', etc..  (Any
     existing '"gradient"' attribute is discarded.)

     During the evaluation of 'expr' within 'with gradient',
     assignments to local variables (in the new environment) will
     record the gradient of the assigned value with respect to 'var'
     (or 'var1', 'var2', etc.), and with respect to the variables
     listed in any enclosing 'with gradient', 'track gradient', or
     active 'back gradient' constructs, so that if the value of the
     variable is used to compute the final value for 'with gradient',
     or is the argument of call of 'gradient_of', its gradient can be
     computed.  This includes assignments made to a for loop variable.
     Note, however, that the gradients of attribute values are not
     recorded, nor are gradients recorded when non-local assignments
     are made with '<<-'.

     Tracking of gradients continues when a function is called with one
     or more arguments with tracked gradients.  This includes functions
     for S3 methods, but not S4 methods.  Tracking will also be
     performed when an expression is evaluated with 'eval', if the
     environment used for the evaluation is one in which gradients are
     being tracked.

     Within 'expr', or a function called from within it, the gradient
     of an expression, 'e', with respect the variable or variables of
     the innermost enclosing 'with gradient', 'track gradient', or
     active 'back gradient' construct can be found with
     'gradient_of(e)'.  The value of 'gradient_of' does not itself have
     any gradient information - hence 'gradient_of(gradient_of(e))'
     will not produce a second derivative (it will always be zero).

     Tracking of gradients can be explicitly suppressed (to save time)
     with 'no_gradient(e)'.  Gradient tracking is automatically
     suppressed when evaluating expressions that are used as 'if' or
     'while' conditions, as indexes, or as expressions iterated over
     with 'for'.

     The 'track gradient' construct is like 'with gradient', except
     that the gradient is not attached to the final result.  It is
     therefore useful only in combination with calls of 'gradient_of',
     or if it is inside (in a dynamic sense) another 'track gradient',
     'with gradient', or active 'back gradient' construct.  When these
     gradient constructs are nested, derivatives with respect to an
     inner variable may determine derivatives with respect to an outer
     variable, by application of the chain rule (backpropagation).

     The 'back gradient' construct is like 'track gradient', except
     that it does not allow 'gradient_of' unless it is evaluated within
     a 'with gradient' or 'track gradient' construct, and hence only
     needs to track gradients if they will be backpropagated to give
     gradients for such a (dynamically) enclosing gradient construct.
     It may therefore be included at little performance cost in a
     function that may either be called for only its value, or may be
     called for both its value and that value's gradient, depending on
     whether it is called from within a gradient construct.

     In forms of 'with gradient', 'track gradient', and 'back gradient'
     in which no expression follows a variable, the expression is
     assumed to be the same as the variable (evaluated in the current
     (not the new) environment).

     When a 'with gradient', 'track gradient', or 'back gradient'
     construct is exitted, either normally or by an error exit, the
     variables defined within its environment are removed.  This
     prevents unnecessary duplicaton of objects, but does mean that
     functions that have been created with this environment as their
     enclosing environment will no longer have access to these

     Specifying how gradients should be computed:

     The gradient of an expression can be specified explicity using the
     'compute gradient' construct, as an alternative to simply letting
     the gradient be obtained automatically, or as a necessary measure
     if the expression contains built-in functions for which automatic
     differentiation has not yet been implemented.  The 'expr' within
     'compute gradient' is evaluated in a new environment in which one
     or more variables have been defined (two in the above templates).
     The initial values of these variables are as specified, defaulting
     to the variable's value evaluated in the current environment.
     Gradients with respect to these new variables are not tracked
     automatically, but are instead specified by the expressions after
     'as'.  The chain rule is used to translate these gradients to
     gradients with respect to variables used to compute 'v1.expr',
     'v2.expr', etc.

     The gradient computed by the expressions after 'as' should in the
     same form as is returned by 'gradient_of' or attached as a
     'gradient' attribute by 'with gradient', as described in the value
     section below, except that Jacobain matrices that are square with
     zero values off the diagonal may be returned as a vector of just
     the diagonal elements.  The 'dim' attribute (if present) of the
     Jacobian matrices returned is ignored, but the numeric values
     returned must nevertheless correspond to those for a matrix with
     the correct dimensions.

     A Jacobian matrix may be replaced by a function that computes the
     Jacobian matrix, or computes products of it with another matrix.
     Such a function must have 0, 1, or 2 arguments, which if present
     must be named 'right' or 'left'.  The function may be called with
     no arguments, with just a 'right' argument (if present), or with
     just a 'left' argument (if present); the function must be prepared
     for any of these possibilities.  If called with no arguments
     (testable with 'missing'), the function must return the Jacobian
     matrix (which may be just the diagonal part, as above).  If called
     with a 'right' argument (a matrix, or a vector representing a
     matrix with one column), the function must return the product of
     the Jacobian matrix with the 'right' matrix.  If called with a
     'left' argument (a matrix, or vector representing a matrix with
     one row), the function must return the product of the 'left'
     matrix with the Jacobian matrix.  For these latter cases, it is
     possible that the function may be able to compute the product
     efficiently without ever creating the full Jacobian matrix.  The
     function will not be called with both 'right' and 'left'
     arguments.  The function may be called more than once, and may be
     called after evaluation of the 'compute gradient' expression has

     NOTE: At present, the function will always be called with no
     arguments, even if it has been written to handle 'right' or 'left'
     arguments, so this feature is presently mostly pointless, but it
     will become useful in future.

     If computation of a gradient has not been requested, 'compute
     gradient' will evaluate only the value, skipping evaluation of the
     expressions after 'as'.  It is possible for the gradient
     expression to be evaluted for some variables but not others (e.g.,
     in the form shown above, 'g2.expr' might be evaluated but
     'g1.expr' not be evaluated).

     Functions and operators that know how to compute gradients:

     Many functions and operators defined in the base and other
     packages know how to compute gradients.  Computation of gradients
     for built-in functions is skipped when it is known that the
     gradient will not be needed, so the overhead of the gradient
     facility when it is not being used is quite small.

     For those builtin functions that don't know how to compute
     gradients (but for which gradients exist mathematically),
     gradients will appear to be zero.  When a builtin functions
     returns 'NA' or a 'NaN' value, the gradient will be regarded as
     zero (without an error or warning, and maybe not consistently at

     Gradients may be defined for real-valued random generation
     functions (eg, 'rnorm').  The gradient for these functions
     indicates how a change in the distribution parameters would
     produce a change in the generated random value, if the state of
     the random number generator when calling the function were kept

     The following built-in functions and operators will compute
     gradients, with respect to all their real scalar, vector, matrix,
     or array arguments (unless noted), or when applicable, arguments
     that are lists of reals (or lists of lists of reals, etc.):
       if, ifelse, switch
       c, rbind, cbind, list, matrix, array, unlist, rep,, rep_len
       [   (for vector lists and numeric vectors, including matrices & arrays) 
       [<- (for vector lists and numeric vectors, including matrices & arrays) 
       [[   (for vector lists and numeric vectors, including matrices & arrays) 
       [[<- (for vector lists and numeric vectors, including matrices & arrays; 
             vector as index (indexing at multiple levels) not supported yet) 
       $   (for vector lists, not pairlists or environments)
       $<- (for vector lists, not pairlists for environments) 
       methods for access and assignment to data frames with [, [[, and $
       +, -, *, /, ^ (+ and - may be unary) 
       abs, sqrt, expm1, exp, log1p, log2, log10, log (one-argument form only) 
       cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan, atan2 
       cosh, sinh, tanh, acosh, asinh, atanh 
       gamma, lgamma, digamma, trigamma, psigamma, beta, lbeta 
       dbeta, pbeta (1st argument only), qbeta (1st argument only) 
       dchisq (no ncp arg), pchisq (1st only, no ncp), qchisq (1st only, no ncp) 
       dbinom, pbinom 
       dcauchy, pcauchy, qcauchy, rcauchy 
       dexp, pexp, qexp, rexp 
       df (no ncp argument), pf (1st arg only, no ncp), qf (1st arg only,no ncp) 
       dgamma, pgamma (1st and 3rd args only), qgamma (1st and 3rd args only) 
         Note: 3rd argument of dgamma/pgamma/qgamma may be either rate or scale 
       dgeom, pgeom 
       dlogis, plogis, qlogis, rlogis 
       dlnorm, plnorn, qlnorm, rlnorm 
       dnbinom (3rd arg only), pnbinom (3rd arg only)
         Note: 3rd argument of dnbinom/pnbinom can be either prob or mu
       dnorm, pnorm, qnorm, rnorm 
       dpois, ppois 
       dt (with no ncp arg), pt (1st arg only, no ncp), qt (1st arg only,no ncp) 
       dunif, punif, qunif, runif 
       dweibull, pweibull, qweibull, rweibull
       apply, lapply, sapply, vapply, replicate, simplify2array
       as.vector, as.list, as.double, as.numeric, as.real, as.matrix
       unclass, drop, structure, get_rm
       storage.mode<-, length<-
       mean, sum, prod, min, max, pmin, pmax, cumsum, cumprod, cummax, cummin
       rowSums, rowMeans, .rowSums, .rowMeans, 
       colSums, colMeans, .colSums, .colMeans
       t, %*%, crossprod, tcrossprod
       det, determinant
       solve (default method only, for matrices, not QR decompositions)
       diag (for creating diagonal matrix or extracting diagonal from matrix)

     The following replacement functions do not compute any gradient
     information, but do leave undisturbed any gradient information
     that is associated with the variable that they update:
       attr<-, attributes<-, names<-, dim<-, dimnames<-, class<-, oldClass<-


     When the gradient is with respect to only one variable, the value
     returned by 'gradient_of' or attached as a '"gradient"' attribute
     by 'with gradient' will be a scalar real if this variable has a
     scalar real value and the expression this is the gradient of also
     has a scalar real value.

     When the variable and the expression for which the gradient is
     found are both vectors not of length one, the gradient will be a
     matrix (referred to as the "Jacobian" matrix) whose number of
     columns equals the length of the variable's value, and whose
     number of rows equals the length of the expression's value.  Any
     'dim' attribute for the expression or variable is ignored when
     creating the Jacobian matrix, which is always a matrix (not a
     higher-dimensional array).

     When either the variable or the expression for which the gradient
     is found are vectors of length one (so the Jacobian matrix would
     have one column or one row), the gradient will be a simple vector,
     rather than a matrix.

     The gradient of a list is a list of the same form, with gradients
     as described above replacing the numeric elements.  For a gradient
     with respect to a list variable, the gradient value is a list (or
     nested lists) of the same form, with elements that are the
     gradient of the expression value with respect to that element of
     the list; note that the gradient of an expression value could
     itself be a list.

     When the 'with gradient' or 'track gradient' construct has more
     than one variable, the gradient will be a list of gradient values,
     with names corresponding to the variables.  Note that this is the
     same form as would be obtained if the values of these variables
     were combined into a named list which was then used as a single
     variable in the 'with gradient' or 'track gradient' construct (see
     the example below).

See Also:

     'Listops', which documents arithmetic on lists, which is useful in
     conjunction with automatic differentiation (see the last example).


     a <- with gradient (x=3) sin(x)
     attr(a,"gradient")               # should be cos(3)
     a <- with gradient (x=3,y=2) sin(x+2*y)
     attr(a,"gradient")$x             # should be cos(7)
     attr(a,"gradient")$y             # should be 2*cos(7)
     x <- 3
     a <- with gradient (x) { r <- sin(x); r^2 }
     attr(a,"gradient")               # should be 2*sin(3)*cos(3)
     sqr <- function (y) y^2          # gradients can be tracked through sqr
     x <- 3
     a <- with gradient (x) { r <- sin(x); sqr(r) }
     attr(a,"gradient")               # should be 2*sin(3)*cos(3)
     funny <- function (x,y) {        # has a discontinuity
         q <- no_gradient(2*x)          # gradient of 2*x won't be tracked
         if (q>y/2)                     # gradient of y/2 won't be tracked
     track gradient (a = 3) {
         print (gradient_of(funny(a,a)))   # prints 2*cos(3+3)
         print (gradient_of(funny(a,8*a))) # prints -9*sin(3+24)
     sigmoid <- function (x)
         compute gradient (x) { v <- 1 / (1+exp(-x)); v }
         as v * (1-v)
     sigmoid(1)                       # no gradient computed, only value
     with gradient (x=1) sigmoid(x)   # both value and gradient computed
     track gradient (x=1)             # should compute the same gradient
         gradient_of (1/(1+exp(-x)))  # as above
     track gradient (x=c(-3,1,2))     # gradient will be a diagonal jacobian
         gradient_of (1/(1+exp(-x)))  # matrix, given by its diagonal elements
     set.seed(123); with gradient (r=5) rexp(1,r)
     set.seed(123); v1<-rexp(1,4.999)
     set.seed(123); v2<-rexp(1,5.001)
     (v2-v1) / 0.002                  # should be close to rexp gradient above
     r <- with gradient (a=7) list(a,a^2)
     attr(r,"gradient")               # should be a list of 1 and 14
     r <- with gradient (a=7) list(square=a^2,cube=a^3)
     attr(r,"gradient")$cube          # gradients of lists retain names
     with gradient (a=7,b=9) {
         r <- list()
         r$aplusb <- a+b
         r$atimesb <- a*b
         r$asqbsq <- r$atimesb^2
         list (r, a^2*b^2)            # a^2*b^2 should be the same as asqbsq
     with gradient (a=7) {
         L <- list(square=a^2,cube=a^3)
         list (L$square*L$cube, a^5)  # both values and gradients of the two
     }                                #   list elements should be the same
     with gradient (a=3)              # only the gradient with respect to a
       with gradient (b=10*a)         #   will be shown, but the chain rule 
         c(a,b,a*b)                   #   is used to convert derivatives wrt
                                      #   to b into derivatives wrt to a
     with gradient (a=5,b=6) c(a^2,a*b)                # these give the same
     with gradient (x=list(a=5,b=6)) c(x$a^2,x$a*x$b)  #   value and gradient
     with gradient (a=2) {            # find derivatives of powers of a, from
         L <- list(a)                 #   a^1 to a^10, evaluated at a=2
         for (i in 2..10) L[[i]] <- L[[i-1]] * a
     with gradient (a=2) {            # same as above, but with a real vector
         V <- a                       #   rather than a list
         for (i in 2..10) V[i] <- V[i-1] * a
     L <- as.list(seq(0,1,length=11)) # list for use below...
     with gradient (L) {              # tracks gradient w.r.t. 11 elements of L
         p <- 0
         for (i along L) 
             p <- p + i*L[[i]]
         p^2 + p^3 + p^4 + p^5        # every operation computes derivatives
     }                                #   w.r.t. all 11 elements of L
     with gradient (L) {              # compute same result more efficiently...
         p <- 0
         for (i along L) 
             p <- p + i*L[[i]]
         back gradient (p)            # operations in the expresson below 
             p^2 + p^3 + p^4 + p^5    #   compute derivative w.r.t. p only, then
     }                                #   chain rule gives gradient w.r.t. L
     V <- seq(0,1,length=11)          # same as above, but using a real vector
     with gradient (V) {              # the gradient will be a 1 x 11 matrix
         p <- 0
         for (i along V) 
             p <- p + i*V[i]
         back gradient (p)
             p^2 + p^3 + p^4 + p^5
     track gradient (a=c(7,5))
         gradient_of (c(a,a^2,a^3,a[1]*a[2])) # produces a 7 x 2 Jacobian matrix
     # Make table of (a+j)^i and derivatives w.r.t. a, for a equal to 1.1.
     tbl <- function (a) {            # a function to compute such a table
         T <- matrix (nrow=4, ncol=5)
         for (i, j along T)
             T[i,j] <- if (i == 1) a+j else T[i-1,j] * (a+j)
     T <- with gradient (a=1.1) tbl(a)  # call tbl asking for the gradient
     T                                # note the gradient is a simple vector,
     array(attr(T,"gradient"),dim(T)) #   but dimensions can be added if needed
     # Gradient tracking for numeric data in a data frame.
     a <- c(3,1,5)
     b <- c(9,2,7)
     r <- with gradient (a,b) data.frame(a^2,a*b,b^2)
     print(r)                         # no gradient seen, since
                                      #   doesn't print attributes...
     attr(r,"gradient")               # ...but it's there
     # Defining and using a function to combine a value and a gradient.
     val_and_grad <- function (v)     # the call of gradient_of here will be
         list (v, gradient_of(v))     #   valid when val_and_grad is called from
                                      #   a place where gradient_of is valid...
     track gradient (a = 7) { b <- a^2; val_and_grad(10*b) }  # ... such as here